dreams of Leh

2 min readJun 24, 2021


night 2

some combination of vampires, male and female, that i know but don’t in real life, and giving each other orgasms. a casual, lighthearted fear, like playing a game, and pleasure. Kayla Richardson/Green was in it, who also is like Rosario Dawson.

night 3

I see Klaus from the Amritsar hostel, and someone else who ask if i want to see the nicest booty.

they pull up a phone that has a video of a lot of girls i know and don’t know from jessamine county growing up, in bikinis at a public pool, fixing their tops and otherwise showing a lot of skin. i immediately get a boner that i cover with my legs. the video ends with Jenny Hosney saying something to the camera, turning around and shaking her ass.

i end up in a courtyard where i see a bmw z3, with a bathing suit bottom on the seat. i get the impression there are two still around. so i go looking in the bushes and see a young man thrusting into a girl. the boy looks like Les Clem, and also like myself (i was told we looked similar when i was young), but i never see the female for fear of being spotted.

i wake up and think about Les Clem and his death.

night 4

in a house that nathan musick and his father are pulling in half to make into a house boat for traveling. My father is running around without a shirt on, i run to where one of the seams are pulling a part and help it separate. for a moment i see Will Stratford standing and naked and facing me, and then i see some cupid-animal-alien creature kiss my father extensively, and then pursues me and i avoid it, just in the water and swim fast.

i am at a table with 4 people, we are outside by a road, dirt and gravel around, low hazy sun, like India. i am handsome with longer hair (than i have now) and the man across from me is very similar but like an older brother.

i also talk with mother and she mentions Gift Baskets Galore being more successful now under a new, french sounding name.

